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Research shows digital signage is more memorable, less annoying than other media.  The latest news making the rounds is from research firm OTX, which released some findings from their study of digital signage as an advertising medium. The report, sponsored by network aggregation firm SeeSaw Networks, suggests that ads on digital signs are not only more eye-catching and unique, but also more interesting, more entertaining and less annoying than ads shown on virtually any other medium.

The study combined results of online surveys from a general respondent body of 1,790 individuals aged 13-55, and an additional 1,600 individuals from key demographic groups like teens, college students, Hispanic families and 
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• At 62% awareness (e.g. people who remember having seen ads on the screens in the past 12 months), digital signage is on par with billboards (a medium on the rise) and newspapers (one on the wane), but lags behind radio (75%), Internet (78%) and TV (92%).

• On average, adults see digital signs about 6 times per week. 18-24 year olds see them about 8 times per week.

• About 44% of respondents said they pay "some" or "a lot of" attention to ads running on digital signs. That compares favorably with magazines at 45% and TV at 52%, and trounces the current darlings of the ad world, Internet (at 32%) and mobile (at 27%).

• Of all the media mentioned, digital signage was dubbed the most eye-catching at 63%, followed by billboards at 58%, magazines at 57% and TV at 56%.

• Likewise, digital signage was also considered the most unique medium (58% of respondents said so), the most interesting (53%) and offered the second-most entertaining source of ads (48%), bested only by TV (56%).

• When it comes to intrusiveness, digital signage again does well. Only 26% of respondents find ads on the screens to be annoying, which ranks only slightly behind the category's winner, newspapers, at 23%. In contrast, TV and radio ads were considered annoying by about half the group, and Internet ads fared the worst, bothering about two-thirds.

• Digital signage is actionable: over a third of respondents said they took some action as a result of seeing ads on digital signage, and over half of 18-24 year olds said they did so.

• Given that half of all respondents regularly use their cell phones (and about three-quarters of college-age folks do so), it's not surprising that about half the group said they would be likely to respond to a specific message on a digital sign by sending a text message.








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